Raw Materials

As regional leading company we cover the majority of required raw materials locally – in accordance with our philosophy “the wood of short distances”.

Region Gail- and Gitsch Valley

The advantages are obvious: timber from the Gail Valley and the Gitsch Valley is a true quality product. When wood is bought in the local area, the value as well as the jobs stay in the region.

Log wood purchase

Log wood purchase is a matter of trust, as it is all about the sustainable management of forestry over generations. Managing the log wood purchases, FM DI Markus Honsig-Erlenburg and his team, consisting of Hannes Hubmann and Edelreich Polesnig, support the forest owners as forestry experts with advice and assistance.

Depending on the clients’ needs, we take care of the entire organisation beginning with the tree marking, the timber harvest – whether it is a removal of single logs or clear-cut – the transport to the saw mill, up to the receipt and the billing. Straightforward handling with handshake quality is as important to us as the reliable purchase of all product ranges.

Areas of purchasing

FM DI Markus Honsig-Erlenburg

FM DI Markus Honsig-Erlenburg

management of log wood purchase and trade

Hannes Hubmann

Hannes Hubmann

region: Gail Valley, Lesach Valley, Gitsch Valley, Weißensee


+43 (0) 664 / 833 60 03

Edelreich Polesnig

Edelreich Polesnig

region: Lower Carinthia, Central Carinthia


+43 (0) 664 / 316 47 07



Beside the Austrian forestry legislation that regulates the sustainable management of Austrian forests, the PEFC is the biggest institution for assuring and marketing the sustainable management of forestry using an independent certification system. With the PEFC certification, we cover the sustainable economic framework of HASSLACHER HERMAGOR in acquisition and sale.